Infertility and the Importance of Your Mental Health

Infertility can take a significant toll on an individual’s mental health, and it is important to prioritize mental health when dealing with this complex and emotionally draining issue.  Infertility can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression, grief and isolation.  Additionally, it can put a strain on relationships and self-esteem.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when facing infertility is taking time to practice self-care and seeking support when needed.  This might mean finding a therapist who specializes in infertility, joining a support group, or finding other ways to connect with people who are going through a similar experience.  Additionally, incorporating healthy coping techniques and taking time to do things you enjoy are essential while navigating the infertility journey.  Here are some self-care tips that you might implement during your path to parenthood:

  • Take time for yourself to recharge and do things that bring you joy.  This might look like reading a book, taking a bath, getting a massage, journaling, or engaging in a hobby you enjoy.

  • Establish a support system.  Infertility can be isolating, but it is important to remember that you are not alone.  Finding others through support groups, spiritual ministries, social media groups and other resources helps you to connect with others, feel understood and bond over similar experiences.

  • Practice the habit of mindfulness.  Mediation and diaphragmatic breathing exercises help to reduce anxiety and stress and teach your body to be in a state of relaxation.  Focus on the present moment and don’t “borrow trouble.”

  • Take care of your physical health.  This might look like engaging in regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, following up on regular medical appointments and getting enough sleep.

  • Practice self-compassion.  What you are going through is a hard and emotional journey.  Treat yourself with the same compassion, kindness and gentleness that you would a good friend going through a difficult time.  Acknowledge that you are doing the best that you can and give yourself permission to feel a wide rang of emotions.

It is important to remember that self-care is personal and looks different for everyone.  Find what works for you and incorporate self-care as much as possible into your daily routine.

Reach out to our infertility specialist, Kristin Malejan, LMSW for further support or to make an appointment for counseling.


Should, should, should…


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