Should, should, should…

When the brain says a “SHOULD” statement, like it often does, 

Ask yourself if it is there in the service of you, your values, and how you want to show up in your life.

Or is it in service of avoiding judgment, criticism, fear of failure or shame?

If it is the latter, notice the thought and release it.

If it is the former, let it guide you. 

“I should be less emotional”

(so that people don’t think I’m needy or overemotional)

In the service of avoiding judgment, criticism, fear

Is very different than

“I should be less emotional.” 

(because I want to be here for my child who is in a moment of pain and I value empathy, holding space for them and modeling calm).

In the service of a value and what’s important to you

Once you notice, you can feel the difference.  

Nickie explains the practice of noticing “should” and what it is in the service of:


The Loveland Therapy Fund - Free therapy for Black Women and Girls!


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